Sunday, February 10, 2013

worst blogger ever

So I'm pretty sure I am the worst blogger.  So much has happened since my last blog there is not really any way to fill in the gaps.  So please check out our web page(s): &  They both go to the same page.  Some PERSON in Stockbridge MA thought it was a good idea to buy the domain in January 2012 when we first bought the building and I think there was a small article about us.  Thanks JA in Stockbridge!  But no worries, we have and  We also have facebook and twitter if that is your thing.  Once the canning line is up and running, which is slated for the end of February, I'm hoping we have more time to share our thoughts and adventures via blog. 

Until then, here's a quick synopsis:  Our equipment finally showed up in late August.  After spending too much time cleaning and getting the space ready, we were of course not ready and really had to hustle to get the brewhouse up and ready.  Our 1st brew was mid-September.  Being rushed (we needed beer for Berktoberfest 2012) we skipped the water brew.  Any brewers out there are shaking their heads for sure.  We of course cleaned everything, but just never did a practice brew.  Luckily it all worked out.  A few minor set backs.  The worst of it was the hot water tank had a faulty weld, we lucked out.

Then packaging, sales and deliveries......we realized the two of us alone could not do this.  That is when we talked the Jaehnig's into our world.  Russ is a fantastic chef (actually sought out type of chef, no real need to leave the industry??? except maybe a calling from the brewery world, must be bottling days.   Jen is a middle school teacher and our Saturday tours expert, and will be until the lot of us can pull a salary.  Harper and Duke of course keep the brewery stocked with trucks of all shapes and sizes for ultimate demo/sandbox/races.  Jen and Russ have really taken over the sales and media portion of Big Elm and will eventually be full time at the brewery.

Until that time we are working with what we have.  And welcome volunteers (w/beer compensation of course).  This summer will be an exciting and busy time with the cans and summer fun.

Anyway better than a blog-
Twitter: @Bigelmbeer